We see diversity of people and experiences as fuel for the creativity and innovation we need to be and deliver our best.


Vivamus consectetuer hendrerit lacus. Vivamus quis mi. Nulla porta dolor. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Praesent blandit laoreet.
Design Developing


Transorm data into innovation and innovation into action to ensure better products, more effective pricing, reliable quality and on-time delivery to make your business relationships even more sustainable. 

Partner Distribution


Identifying solutions for consumer product companies and strengthening your position in the marketplace We support you in all matters relating to your sales and your sales markets

Consultant Beratung


Only those who have a goal know in which direction to steer. If you regularly check whether you are still on course, you are actually working on reaching the goal or even exceeding it.      

About us

Crafting Professional Experiences​

Als Vertriebsstrategie- und Einkaufsagentur helfen und beraten wir Unternehmen und Marketing- verantwortlichen, mit kreativen Denken und Handeln nachhaltig zu wachsen.

Unser Beratungs- und Dienstleistungsangebot umfasst die komplette Vertriebsstrategie von der Marktanalyse über die Vermarktungsstrategie, die Produktentwicklung, die Beschaffung bis hin zur Produktionskontrolle.

 Mit einem kleinen Kern-Team erfahrener, talentierter und motivierter Vertriebs-,  Design- und Produktions-Spezialisten und einem weltweit gespannten Beziehungsnetzwerk sind wir immer genau so leistungsstark und trotzdem agil, wie es Ihr Projekt verlangt.

Als kleines inhabergeführtes Unternehmen sind wir nur unserem hohen Anspruch und dem Erfolg unserer Kunden verpflichtet. Wir verstecken uns nicht hinter Marketingphrasen, sondern sprechen Klartext. Kreativität  ist bei uns nie Selbstzweck, sondern führt zu schlauen Lösungen.

Our Mission

Become essential to our customers by providing differentiated products and services to help them achieve their aspirations.

Our Vision

Provide the world’s best customer experience every day.

our work

Our latest Projects

Learn more about our approach to Corporate Responsibility.

Why choose us

We deliver an unparalleled standard of excellence in everything we do, staying focused on the biggest opportunities to be meaningful to our customers.

We see diversity of people and experiences as fuel for the creativity and innovation we need to be and deliver our best.

we make it great

From how we work to our world-class customer service, our customers expect the best and our teams are proud to deliver it..

we win as a team

Individual performance is essential and valued, but never at the expense of the team.

Fast service

We strive to be essential to our customers by delivering exceptional products, services and experiences every day – and promise to have their backs in everything we do.


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In-Product GmbH & Co. KG

Learn more about our approach to Corporate Responsibility..

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